俺だけ余裕の異世界サバイバル ~転移先の無人島で楽しむハーレムライフ~

俺だけ余裕の異世界サバイバル ~転移先の無人島で楽しむハーレムライフ~

4 (1)
代替名俺だけ余裕の異世界サバイバル ~転移先の無人島で楽しむハーレムライフ~, I'm the Only One Relaxing in Another World Survival ~Enjoying a Harem Life on a Deserted Island~, Ore Dake Yoyuu No Isekai Survival: Tennisaki No Mujintou De Tanoshimu Harem Raifu
更新日時2025-03-14 20:47:59
ジャンル ファンタジー コメディ エッチ ハーレム 冒険


Kaito Saejima, a survival-obsessed high schooler, suddenly finds himself transported to an uninhabited island in another world—along with his entire class! With dangerous wildlife, scarce resources, and no way home, survival is a challenge for everyone... except Kaito. Using his expert survival skills, he quickly becomes the group's most reliable leader. As he hunts, builds shelters, and protects his classmates, the beautiful girls around him start depending on him more and more—leading to a carefree yet action-packed survival harem life!