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代替名The Discarded Genius Enchanter Just Wants a Carefree Life in the Frontier With His Versatile Enchantments, the Frontier Becomes the World’s Most Comfortable Stronghold, おはらい箱の天才付与術師は、辺境で悠々自適に暮らしたい~工房を開いて自由に生きたいのに、なぜか頼られてます~, Oharaibako no Tensai Fuyojutsushi wa, Henkyou de Yuuyuujiteki ni Kurashitai Koubou wo Hiraite Jiyuu ni Ikitai no ni, Naze ka Tayoraretemasu, Oharaibako No Tensai Fuyo Jutsu Shi Ha, Henkyo De Yuyujiteki Ni Kurashitai Kobo Wo Hir
更新日時2025-03-04 05:33:26
ジャンル ファンタジー ロマンス アクション 冒険


The Genius Enchanter’s Carefree Frontier Life Begins! Ryujii, a talented enchanter, is abruptly kicked out of his party for being “useless in battle.” Soon after, he crosses paths with Leine, an alchemist who was also recently dismissed by her team. Sharing a deep pride in their crafts, the two immediately hit it off and decide to form their own ultimate party with one goal in mind: a peaceful, self-sufficient life in the frontier! Witness the start of a liberating journey for these outcast prodigies, as they create their ideal life together, far from the rigid demands of their former allies!